Noticing November

It's the start of a new season. A smell of a neighbor's fireplace, a warm and fragrant smell of a good soup on the stove and the joy of putting on your favorite sweater.  An exciting time of year for change and growth. It's a spectacular time to live and work in New England.  November highlights a strong sense of being grateful or showing gratitude around a holiday table.  Why not start early and take notice in November!

Take the month of November to notice the seasonal changes and take the time to manage time with doing less. Shorten the "to do" list. Really soaking in nature and the beauty of the colors by getting outdoors.  Being grateful and giving thanks to something small or big, changes the way we think and helps us to react in a different way.   Notice November......and practice presence


  • Get outside every day

  • Make a cup of something warm

  • Lengthen your exhales

  • Let go of one "to do" item

Courtney Harvey